It fills me with...

This is the end.
You don't see Sans across the last corridor but he's here alright. That pillar, over there. That's the one he's hiding behind.
Eagerly you step forward.
“Heya.” He's lazy and almost carefree as he makes his entrance. Almost. His eyes sweep over you as he gauges you. He always does this. Judging how many times he's killed you already.
Then he's taking a sharp breath and retreating a step. “No kidding,” he says softly. “You've already beaten me, haven't you? Well I'll be.”
Your smile grows wider. “It's just so much fun,” you say. You aren't bothered by the fact that your voice doesn't sound like your own.
Sans considers this.
“Well,” he says in the end. “Well.” His grins also widens. It's matching your own now. This is new. “Well.”
The third time he says it, a blaster opens up behind him.
You love the game of dodge and slash. Even when you slip up and get hit, the pain is nothing but exhilarating.
“So you stayed just for me, huh? I guess that means that I have to give you a good show.”
Dodge and slash.
“How about this?”
Dodge and slash.
“Okay, I'll admit. Just trying to kill you probably doesn't cut it. You've seen that a thousand times already, haven't you?”
Dodge and slash. He chatters away between the swings of your knife, lithe as an otter. Gradually his brow dots with sweat. You're getting close.
And then you die.
It takes four tries until you get to the same point. You would seethe at the delay. But honestly you enjoy dancing with death too much for that.
By the time he starts talking about his special attack your teeth are bared in sheer concentration. You are going to make it this time. You are going to kill him again. And, before he fades to dust, you are going to dab your finger in his blood and taste it.
“Ready for my special attack? Here goes nothing.”
Your face hurts with the effort not to grin victoriously. Just wait, just wait until he falls asleep, then that will be the end of it and you'll get to feel the ribs jump under your knife and -
“See...” he says and you nearly jump with the shock. He was starting to snooze! How come he sounds all fresh now? “I figure… you've already seen my special attack. And you got past it. So either you waited until one of us died of old age… or you broke some rules.” His expression is lazy and carefree as he pulls out a syringe full of a red, glowing liquid. “So let me break some rules first.” Before you can move, he jabs the syringe into his chest and squirts the red liquid inside.
You recognise the colour, if nothing else.
Sans shudders.
“Now let me get this over with before I start melting,” he speaks in a shaky voice. His eye flickers to life, not blue, not yellow. Red. “Because right now the sight of you...” he raises his hand, “fills me with THE TEMMIE NATION.”
You are half a second too late gaping. The entire Temmie nation explodes out of Sans and gushes toward you. You are too late. You die. You rage quit because that was the worst pun ever.

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